We had such a fun time in Salt Lake this last Saturday for our anniversary. I am so glad my Aunt Kim lives so close by and was willing to watch our two little boys. I can't remember exactly what I put in my last post, but we went ice skating outside at the
Gallivan Center first. I was expecting a larger ice rink, but it was alright. There were so many little children around that McKay and I had to be careful not to run over any little fingers. I was just so glad that we didn't have Ayden there with us to deal with. The lights around the outdoor rink were beautiful, in all honesty though, I wasn't paying much attention to them. I was more focused on hanging onto McKay's hand for support. :) I'm not a terrible ice skater and honestly I would have had more balance without holding his hand, but that defeats the purpose of ice skating with him! Plus, he keeps me
sooo warm. I was also reminded of how glad I am that I'm not playing the dating game any longer. There were so many couples skating around flirting, acting nervous, clinging to each other annoyingly- which- incidentally IF you wrap your arms around your date and skate behind her AND you suck at skating, you will most likely fall and land on her..... but then again.... maaaybe that's what you were trying to do... eh hem. *cough*
After McKay and I finished skating we walked over to Temple Square. All of the three years that I have lived here in Utah, I have not been to Temple Square during Christmas. It was entrancing. The photos we took do not do justice to what we saw. It was so misty.
While McKay and I were walking around enjoying the spectacular colors we stopped by the ever so famous
posing block in front of the temple and joked about how he should kneel down a propose to me while everyone there waiting their turn to take their pictures, watches. And what d'ya know- as soon as we said that a guy kneels down and proposes. There were a bunch of people there clapping. I think I would totally hate that. Yeah its cute.... but wow.... not really original. I wonder how many people have done the exact same thing he's done. I tried to get a picture of the temple, but because of the mist I could not get a good shot.
See the mass of people there? Yeah- the happy little couple is in there somewhere. You can see the mist on my camera. I was hoping for a photo more like this
one. But I don't have a nice enough camera and the weather was not cooperating.
Still, even though the photos were not that great. Just being there with McKay and seeing how beautiful it all was, was perfect for me.
We tried to walk where not many people were and found this pretty little pool of water off to the side of the other walkers. Whoever has the job of decorating Temple Square or designing the ground of the temple, better move over, because I really want either of their jobs.
The manger sitting in the middle of the reflective pool with candles floating all around.
I asked my sweet, sweet husband to get a picture of the whole tree behind me, but instead he opted for half the tree and half the temple. :)
I am so blessed to be married to McKay. He is so patient with me. He is fun, smart, ambitious, and a wonderful man, father and husband. It would be a terribly sad and lonely life without him in it.