Boys Boys Boys. . .

~Sept, 2012
We had some visitors over and of course A and E were bouncing off the walls. Head butting their legs, jumping on their back and freaking out. So I chucked them both in the kitchen and told them, "You are out of control." Angrily A turns to me, hands on his hips and snaps, "No Mom! YOU are out of control!"

~Aug. 2012
A comes up to me and tells me very officially, "Mom, I'm smarter than you. I'm not smarter than Dad, but I am smarter than you."

~July 4th, 2012
A and E were wrestling today and it was A's day. He was doing really good keeping his little brother subdued, although E put up a pretty good fight. Once they were finished, Daddy and I told E he did a really good job! He looked over at Daddy M angrily from the floor and said, "No, I din not!!" he flailed his arms on the ground and continued, "He's still alive!"

~June 2012
E and A were playing T-ball today with A's new gear. I of course laid down the rules. No hitting anyone with the bat. No swinging at the ball until every body and body part is clear. Simple enough. Not 5 minutes into it, I hear a blood curdling scream from A. E runs inside, eyes big, and says, "I din'n know what I was doing!" Big brother had a pretty good goose egg on his head.

Thanks for the Help

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Friday, March 20, 2009


I swear I set myself up for the disasters A creates. He's been very good about sleeping in his toddler bed thank goodness. But now every morning since he's realized he can get out of bed, he's been playing in his room or crying at the door before I come in to get him. Unfortunately for me... today he decided to play. And somehow he found the vaseline that we put in his room. Why we put vaseline in there is beyond me! That's like asking for a mess to happen and not a small scale mess either. I went in this morning to get him and found this goopy stuff around his mouth and nose. At first I thought it was snot, but when I took him downstairs and put him in his high chair, I touched his hands and felt the chapstick/jelly feeling. So I spent a short part of my morning cleaning an entire tub of vaseline off my walls... which really does have an uncanny similarity to snot. Unfortunately this stuff is clear and so I don't know where else he's rubbed it. That'll teach me to put stupid stuff like that in a toddlers bedroom. haha

1 comment:

Sheri said...

I had forgotten about that!! That is way funny. Even better reading it the second time. Pretty soon these kids are going to be sleeping in a room with NOTHING it in but a mattress and a sleeping bag thrown on it.