Today I asked him if he wanted peas, which he loves and he had a melt down. Just started to ball and ball and would not let up. So after about 5 minutes of him on the verge of hyperventilating, I sent him to timeout to calm down. That tipped him over the edge. He stood in timeout for about two minutes gasping for breath.... OVER PEAS!!! I finally let him out after he seemed to have calmed down and just the mere mention of his name from my lips sent him moaning again... Oh come on! sooooo- I sent him to the bathroom this time. Hyperventilating and all. Being in there seemed to calm him down. Until he came over to me to ask for a snack. I told him no, because we hadn't dinner yet.... and honestly, he hadn't eaten anything healthy all day. It was a battle just to get him to eat breakfast. Anyway, he had another melt down because of this and its not even 4pm yet. Oi
Yesterday his tantrums were brought on by his milk cup tipping over in the fridge (it's spill proof, the only thing I had to do was put it back in the correct position.), me telling him it's breakfast, lunch and dinner time, opening the door after his nap... what else? Oh, turning off Blue's Clue's after he's watched his one episode, touching his head softly to ask him to move (he has a tendancy to stand right in front of me, especially when I'm in the kitchen.) or I have noticed that he'll simply start crying for absolutely no reason at all and then he brings his show to me after he's really worked himself up.
So I have to ask myself after only two pitiful weeks. ARE WE DONE YET?!?!
Oh- and yes I still love my little boy! I just wish that we both didn't have to experience this little part of growing up. Will I look back one day and laugh about this? only time will tell.
Ok- Now that I'm to the correct photos, I can start talking about baby cereal. Which is clearly a big deal in our little family. haha To start off, poor Ethan was pretty upset about his seating arrangement. He was not happy about being strapped down. McKay started off giving him a little bit of cereal and he didn't quite understand how he was supposed to eat it.
We stuck a binki in his mouth so he'd suck on the binki and by default
, suck the cereal down his throat. :) It worked for a bit, but McKay got sick of pulling the binki out only to hear Ethan screech in protest. Simple solution? Get rid of the binki and keep his mouth full of cereal so he has no room to cry. All in all- first try was a bust, BUT he did get enough down that he slept solidy from 8pm to 8am. I forget that solid food does that to babies. We were very proud of this first attempt!
Good luck Jenny!I'm impressed with how much patience you have with him!! I'm afraid for Evelyn to hit that stage. I wouldn't mind her staying 3 months forever!!
I love it!! And yes you will look back at eh 2 year old phase and laugh and laugh. The child of course will have no recollection of all the stunts they pull. You get to be there to remind them. Oh yeah... and to hope they have children that do the same thing to them!!
I love the pictures of Ethan. He is quite a cutie... even spitting out the cereal.
Awesome family
I should have proof read my above comment. the word eh actually means "the"
You could always try giving Ayden some Midol. It sounds a little like PMS to me.
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